Signs that Your Washing Machine Needs Repair

Washing machines are an essential home appliance that we rely on daily to keep our clothes clean. However, just like any other machine, they can break down and require repairs over time. Knowing the signs that your washing machine needs repair can help you fix the problem early before it gets worse. In this blog post, we will discuss the common signs that your washing machine needs repair. 

Unusual Noises: 

Are you hearing strange noises, such as grinding or banging, during the spin cycle? If yes, it could be an indication that something is wrong with your washing machine. The most common reason for this is a damaged drum bearing or a loose pulley. You should turn off the machine and call a professional washing machine repair service to diagnose and fix the problem.

Leaking Water: 

If you notice water leaking from your washing machine, it's important to address it quickly. It could indicate a damaged hose or a worn-out tub seal. If left unattended, it could lead to expensive water damage to your home. Therefore, it’s recommended to call a professional washing machine repair technician to inspect and repair any leakages.

The Machine Won't Start: 

If your washing machine refuses to start, it could indicate a variety of problems. Issues such as a defective outlet or improper alignment of door sensors can prevent your machine from starting. In some cases, it could be due to a faulty control panel or motor. It's best to call a washing machine repair technician to diagnose the issue and fix it.

Bad Odours: 

Are your clothes coming out of the washing machine smelling bad? It could be due to a build-up of mould or mildew in your machine. This issue is more common in front-loading washing machines than top-loading ones. You can try running a hot wash cycle with white vinegar to eliminate mould and mildew build-up. However, if the issue persists, it's best to call a professional washing machine repair technician to diagnose and fix the problem.


If your washing machine is shaking or vibrating more than usual, it could indicate an unbalanced load or a problem with the machine's suspension. If the problem persists, it could lead to more serious issues, such as damage to the drum or motor. Therefore, it's best to call a professional washing machine repair technician to inspect and repair the problem before it gets worse.

In conclusion, your washing machine is an essential home appliance that needs proper care and attention. Knowing the signs that your washing machine needs repair can help you avoid expensive repairs or even premature replacement of your machine. If you notice any of the above signs, it's crucial to call a professional washing machine repair technician to address and fix the issue. As with any other appliance, regular maintenance of your washing machine can help extend its lifespan and keep it running efficiently.
